Friday, August 7, 2009

Another Ring Pop Creation

This is the forth Ring Pop Creation I have made.

My nieces saw my Button Ring and had to have one. I made one for my eldest niece, and still [may] have to make another one for the other.


Kae figured out how to get the nobby thing off the ring pop. Of course, it involves a very large knife. Moxie does not do well with knives. Therefore, I will now be giving Kae all my empty ring pops so she can do the dirty work for me. That's what friends are for, right? :)


Ebony said...

omigosh a button ring! i love that creation! wow.

Ahahgshene said...

this is so creative! i never have thought of button rings before, but i'll consider them now!

you're a very much creative person!
