Ebony loves me. She tagged me with this awesome blog award, Honest Scrap Award! So, here are the rules:
1. “The Honest Scrap” award is not one to hold all to your self but it must be shared!
2. First, the recipient has to tell 10 true things about themselves in their blog that no one else knows.
3. Second, the recipient has to pass along this prestigious award to 10 more bloggers.
4. Third, those 10 bloggers all have to be notified they have been given with this award.
5. Those 10 bloggers that receive this award should link back to the blog that awarded them “The Honest Scrap’ award.
So, here I go... Ten things you don't know about me, Moxie!
1. Kae, who is one of my 5 followers, is my best friend IRL.
2. I'm an Alto in a Women's Chorus.
3. Although I am of the age to drive, I don't drive. Why? I don't feel like it!
4. I get worried very easily.
5. I'm lactose intolerant.
6. I blog from my very cute pink laptop. :)
7. I am in LOVE with Neil Patrick Harris.
8. I think O.P.I. nail polish stinks. :/ I'm about to remove it from my finger nails when I can detach myself from the computer.
9. I love high heals, but they hurt my feet so much! :(
10. I'm allergic to dogs.
Now, I'm tagging these people:
1. Kae @ Kae's Virtual Diary
2. Sharon @ Creative Origins
3. Call Me Cate @ Show My Face
4. Tabatha @ Tabulous
5. Julie @ Joy's Hope
Now, I am incredibly sorry... but I only have 5 people to give this award to! D: Everyone else already has the award... I'm so sorry. But, thanks again Ebony, and I'll try to update this with more people in the morning!
Stay beautiful,
That's so cool that you are in a woman's chorus!!
Yeah, it's cool. I'm one of two historians in the women's chorus, so I get to scrapbook for a purpose too!
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