Sunday, July 19, 2009

Goodbye, my sweet, loving readers!

I'm leaving tomorrow, and I'll be back on Monday, August 3.

I have no idea if I'll be able to get on the internet while I'm down there, but I will try my hardest.

I'll miss you guys!

Stay beautiful!!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Six Word Saturday

Early morning tomorrow. Bridesmaid dress shopping!

There are my six words. Post on your blog, click the botton above, and put yours in!

I'm going to the Beach

Yeah, I'm kind of leaving you guys again. I'm leaving for the beach on Monday.

Now promise not to kill me when I tell you this: I'm going for two weeks. Seriously now, drop the knives. I promise, if I could take you all with me I would. Don't get jealous. :)

Anyway, like I said when I left for New Jersey, I don't know what the circumstances will be for internet connection down there. If I can get on the internet, then I will be either posting crafts that I make down there or tutorials on some of the crafts that are already on this blog. Chances are, some of both.

I'll still be posting for the next few days, so don't worry (I mean I have to post tomorrow, it's Six Word Saturday!!).

Stay beautiful!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Slim Jim Containers to Awesome Pencil Holders

One unique thing about me is that I have a seriously huge pencil collection.

Another sadly unique thing about me is that my pencil collection is in the far depths of my closet, and is not accessible to model my newest project. =[

When school was still in session, Kae and Dollface would always get a Slim Jim in MY lunch. Yeah, you heard me. My mom sent these "poor, sweet children" food. Hehe.

But anyway, we don't have recycling here. So, I saved these Slim Jim Cans a trip to the dump. I painted them with green metallic paint and painted [very bad] flowers on them. Like I previously said, my original intentions was to get my pencil collection out and have these new pencil holders be their new home... But fate doesn't work that way. So I have random stuff in them now instead.

So anyway, enjoy!




Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I've been tagged. Oh my!


Ebony loves me. She tagged me with this awesome blog award, Honest Scrap Award! So, here are the rules:

1. “The Honest Scrap” award is not one to hold all to your self but it must be shared!

2. First, the recipient has to tell 10 true things about themselves in their blog that no one else knows.

3. Second, the recipient has to pass along this prestigious award to 10 more bloggers.

4. Third, those 10 bloggers all have to be notified they have been given with this award.

5. Those 10 bloggers that receive this award should link back to the blog that awarded them “The Honest Scrap’ award.

So, here I go... Ten things you don't know about me, Moxie!

1. Kae, who is one of my 5 followers, is my best friend IRL.

2. I'm an Alto in a Women's Chorus.

3. Although I am of the age to drive, I don't drive. Why? I don't feel like it!

4. I get worried very easily.

5. I'm lactose intolerant.

6. I blog from my very cute pink laptop. :)

7. I am in LOVE with Neil Patrick Harris.

8. I think O.P.I. nail polish stinks. :/ I'm about to remove it from my finger nails when I can detach myself from the computer.

9. I love high heals, but they hurt my feet so much! :(

10. I'm allergic to dogs.

Now, I'm tagging these people:

1. Kae @ Kae's Virtual Diary
2. Sharon @ Creative Origins
3. Call Me Cate @ Show My Face
4. Tabatha @ Tabulous
5. Julie @ Joy's Hope

Now, I am incredibly sorry... but I only have 5 people to give this award to! D: Everyone else already has the award... I'm so sorry. But, thanks again Ebony, and I'll try to update this with more people in the morning!

Stay beautiful,

I just got a twitter!

And I never realized how incredibly easy it is. It's so cool. :)

Another Ring Pop Creation, Moxie?! Are you out of your mind?!?

Yes, I am. :)

But anyway, this is my latest Ring Pop Creation. I inherited all these buttons from my aunt in New Jersey. She gave them to me because she knew I was a good home for them. And I've already put these buttons to work.


Okay, you caught me. I really wanted to show off my Revlon nail polish. :D Also, I wanted to show off Mr. Bunny's butt (that's who my hand is "modeling" on).

I've already gotten compliments on this ring at my allergist's office. All the nurses had to try it on. But, it still kinda smells of 527 glue... Oh well, you know what they say about beauty... It smells!

Fabulous Five!

Five followers doesn't seem like a lot to most people... But yet again, I'm not most people.

I am incredibly thankful to the people to follow my blog and read it. I couldn't ask for anything more but that. Even if it's just a few readers, that makes me happy.

Stay Beautiful,

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Totally Awkward Tuesday- Tubing

Once again, I will be participating in Totally Awkward Tuesday with Tova Darling. So here is mine.

Everyone should know who Dollface is. If you don't, I'll tell you again. Dollface is my boyfriend of almost two years. Anyway, Dollface always has an end of the year party after school lets out. This year, his mom was away for the party, so we had to do the party at his dad's house.

Now, Dollface's dad is kick butt, I'll tell you that. I've never met a dad, other than mine, that was seriously THAT awesome.

Anyway, Dollface's dad has a boat, and we were going to go tubing. The day before we actually had to RETRIEVE the tube from his mom's house, in the rain. No, that wasn't the awkward part. That was the fun part.

So, the day of the party came. It was generally a fun day. I taught some people how to kayak, I watched my friends try to sing on Rock Band, I hate a lot of food. It was fun. Then, it was TUBING TIME.

So we went out on the boat. There were six of us on the boat. Dollface, myself, two of Dollface's friends, Dollface's dad, and one of my best friends.

So we got out on the middle of the lake. Dollface and Dollface's friend #1 went out on the tube. Watching them got me scared. I don't like to take risks. Regardless of moxie meaning courage, I do not like to go out on things that may very well kill me. Anyway, after they went, one of my best friends and Dollface's friend #2 went on. Again, watching this more and more got me scared sh*tless. Then finally, it was my turn.

Dollface and I went on the next time. Now, before I go on with the story, I must give you a very important detail. I was wearing a bikini with shorts on top of the bottoms.

Okay, so we went out on the tube. We kept going faster, and faster. I was getting more and more scared for my life. I kept yelling "DOLLFAAACE!!" when I almost fell off. This happened many times. I'll tell you, I was holding on for my dear life.

Then finally... I fell off...

And so did my bathing suit bottoms.

LE GASP! You say. Yes, that's what I was thinking while I was drowning underneathe the tube. Before I got back up to the surface, I pulled them back up quickly. I was just praying that no one saw.

Luckily, I got back to the top alive. The life jacket helped hide the fact that my bikini half fell off too. No one would have known, unless I asked.

And if you know me well, I did. But they didn't see anything, and they just started laughing. Then, to make the situation even more awkward, Dollface's friend #1 yelled out:


Right in front of Dollface's dad.

Totally. Awkward.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Shell Pendants

Here's a flashback from the past!

Almost a year ago, I made these shell pendants.


They have holes drilled in them (by hand, mind you), and doo-dads glued in with 527 glue. I am yet to make them into necklaces, but once I do, I will post the final result.

I am also thinking about posting up tutorials on some of the craft projects I have on this blog, but... More on that later. ;)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Who is Dollface? Well, I'll tell ya!

I've had two comments questioning... "Who is Dollface?"

Well, to answer your question, Dollface is my boyfriend. :) We've been dating for almost 2 years. <-- (No biggie. Hehe.)

Dollface went across the country on vacation.

So there you go! Now you know!

(I love my rhyme scheme.)

The Start of a Baby Craft Marathon!

No, I'm not pregnant. >_>

My sister's best friend and aunt of my oldest nephew, who is like a sister to me, just found out that she is pregnant. Not even five minutes after finding this out, I dibbed planning the baby shower and already have a few ideas for some cute baby crafts. I'm very excited.

So, be aware!!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Six Word Saturday

Here are my Six Words:

I miss my Dollface really badly!

[Yes, Dollface is one word.]

Friday, July 10, 2009

Ring Pop Creations?!

I know what you're thinking. "Ring pops? You mean those rings with the delicious candy on them that you suck on for hours, but you never can lick it all off?! You can make something with that?!"

And the answer is, yes.

A year ago, while my cousin and I were hunting for Cape May Diamonds, and we had a marvelous idea. "We could totally make a ring out of these," I said. My cousin and I found a plastic part to a ring pop, but weren't aloud to pick it up because it was dirty.

So, this year, before I went to New Jersey, I went to my local dollar and bought 3 packages of 4 ring pops. (Thats $3 dollars plus tax for 12 ring pops. How much are they at the grocery store counter? Like, 89 cents?) Anyway, once I got to New Jersey, I handed my cousin a bag and told him to start licking!

We went to Cape May, found some diamonds, and brought them home and made these:

Yes, if you must ask, that is ME modeling the ring. On the top of the ring, there is a piece of clear seaglass.

This is the same idea, only we added that weird looking shell, which we also found on the beach.

I must also note that we had to use 527 glue to glue all the diamonds/shells/sea glass on the rings. And 527 glue is very, very smelly.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Please excuse the mess...

I am currently editing my blog... So yeah. Excuse the messy appearance.

UPDATE: What you see right now is sort of what my blog is going to look like... Well... I don't know for sure. Crafty people like me don't know what the heck they're doing. Excuse the few minor problems that would only annoy someone with OCD (that'd be me). I'll fix them tomorrow.

Perler Bead Frenzy

As you may now, the only time I ever play with Perler Beads is when I am in New Jersey. Why is that? I'll tell you now, they are the most annoying craft idea EVER. If you don't iron them right, then forget it. You have to have a ton of patience, that of which I have a limited supply of.

But anyway, my little 9 year old cousin loves Perler Beads, so guess who got to keep my whole supply of Perler Beads? Hehe.

This is what we did while I was at his house:

This is the first cat he made, and as you can tell... The first one I ironed. I hadn't ironed Perler Beads in at LEAST a year, so it kind of took me a few tries to get it perfect. Unfortunately for this warped cat, he was the first test subject.

This fish took both of us to finish. It was late at night, and we took turns decorating it. That's why it looks ecclectic.

This is "the weirdest cat ever". My cousin made this one. I don't really think it looks very weird. He looks pretty normal compared to the poor warped cat.

I made this dolphin. It's not that exciting, other than it glows in the dark. But most of our creations do.

This is a "B". I made it for my cousin. He was absolutely amazed that I could do this. But what can I say... I've got skillz!

I made this one too. It kicks butt. "M" for Moxie!

This is an action shot of all of them. Aren't they just a happy family?!?

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

OMG, my first blog award!

Ebony presented me with this awesome award.


Thanks so much Ebony!

I am very honored to receive this award. Now I am passing it on.

The Coupon Monkey by The Coupon Monkey

I wish I had more underdogs to give this award to... but I don't. :(

Happy reading, everyone!

Stay Beautiful,

I'm back from New Jersey!

Unfortunately, I'm home now. :( I had a ton of fun, and I really miss it now. It's too hot down here.

I made a few more crafts in my last few days in New Jersey. I'll post them within the next few days.